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The Myth of Sisyphus

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”  

Friedrich Nietzsche

My purpose is to support you to illuminate your purpose. 

Thank you for visiting my website. You are in the right place if you’re seeking life and career purpose coaching services or simply a spark of inspiration.

​What is your life and career purpose? Please be assured this no futile philosophical inquiry. Seeking and creating purpose is the most fundamental and practical question of your life, career, and business. Once you will respond to this question clearly and without hesitation, the answers to any other questions will unfold more easily and you will experience more flow in your existence.

Everything you are, say and do is going to support your purpose or detract from it. You might as well be intentional about it, focus your energy on the direction you want to go into and therefore consciously serve your greatest evolution. I’m here to guide you.


About me

Lumi Flintasu photo

When I was younger, I was very keen on understanding and exploring the world. I studied International Business and Economics with a focus and passion for Geopolitics. Subsequently, I worked in the financial industry for almost a decade.

​I lived in 6 countries and sought my happy place and my perfect job. Somewhere under the sun, there must be a place where I’ll feel like a fish in the sea and work a job that fits like a glove, right? Obviously, l was proven wrong many times.

​The journey of life is sometimes unpredictable. The Great Explorers wanted to find a new route to India but found…America. I had initially wanted to understand the world but ultimately I had to master a very nearby and seemly interesting territory: myself. Ha-ha. I went through multiple life earthquakes. As I was the common denominator of my experiences, I was forced to look in the mirror.

​I realized I had been over-focused on my outer journey and neglected my inner journey. I went inward and asked myself: who am I and what is my life and career purpose? Unfortunately, the inner journey has no map, so it can feel like an endless dark tunnel at times. Fortunately, such a journey…has no map, so it involves a lot of freedom.

I wish I could tell you I found the “magic” recipe for success and joy. This is not the case. I have however found my purpose. The day I articulated my purpose is the day I became bulletproof.

​Now that I found my purpose, am I “perfect” or the “best” version of myself now or perhaps “enlightened”? Is self-development a closed road? Is there a finish line? If the “best” version existed, life would serve no purpose. I’m not my best version, I’m not a finished product. I’m however a more evolved version. More self-aware, more purposeful, and more refined about human nature. My evolutionary potential is unlimited as it is yours.

My purpose is to support you to seek and to create purpose in your life, career, and business. To be able to guide you I studied life (purpose) coaching, career coaching as well as other enriching personal development topics. I had to learn my lessons the hard way so that you don’t have to.

about you

About you

A beautiful tree

Enough with me, what about you? Who are you?


I’ll try my best to describe you.


You are powerful, but you forgot about it.

You are significant, but you forgot about it.

You are expansive, but you forgot about it.

You are courageous, but you forgot about it.

You are strong, but you forgot about it.

You know your purpose, but you forgot about it.

I know you as I was you. 

I’m here to guide you and remind you of who you are.

Tell me more about yourself. 

Who do you want to become?





"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself."

Galileo Galilei

My style of coaching is based on the premise that purpose is the backbone our existence. I'm a Life and Career Purpose Coach. 

My purpose is to support you to seek and to create purpose in your life, career and business. To be able to guide you I studied life (purpose) coaching, career coaching as well as other enriching personal development topics. I had to learn my lessons the hard way so that you don’t have to.

You are unique so your purpose and journey will be unique too. I’m here to shortcut your journey from where you are to a more purposeful life, career and business. I’m here to support you to see yourself with more clarity, rediscover and create your light.

Purpose is the strongest armour one can have going through life. Purpose can lighten even the darkest rooms. Having and creating purpose won’t solve all your problems and lead to constant sunshine and rainbows, but it will make it easier for you to ride the waves of life as well as make your existence worthwhile. If not, what are the other options?

As a coach I will be your:

  • Partner in articulating your life, career, and business purpose.

  • Partner in leveraging motivation and identifying the action steps you will take. 

  • Source of encouragement when you hit stumbling blocks towards your purpose.

  • “Helicopter” towards a different and higher perspective of your situation.

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Human and the Universe

“However vast the darkness we must supply out own light”

Stanley Kubrick




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