Jordan Peterson has been touring all over the globe for more than 2 years lecturing and promoting his latest book “Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life”. Last week I attended the Tour’s event in Lisbon. This is his second act in Lisbon in 2023, the first event in April sold out quickly. The venue was not as full in April, but it is still impressive how he attracts so many people to his events.
The long list of Jordan Peterson’s Tour events would make performers envious. How come a psychologist and professor amassed such as big audience? It seems to me that the world is hungry for self-development, contrary to what mainstream media often suggests. People are interested in existential questions and want to improve themselves and society at large. Is Jordan Peterson the end-all and be-all? No, but no one is. We should not blindly follow guidance from anyone, we should only integrate the ideas that resonate and that are useful for us. It is part of our purpose here on Earth to develop and continuously upgrade our own belief system.
Like him or dislike him, Jordan Peterson is one of the most influential thinkers of our time. He is a 21st-century psychology and teaching rockstar. Like many rock stars, he is both polarizing and magnetizing for the masses. Jordan Peterson emerged on stage smiling and making direct and deep eye contact with the audience. During the evening, he constantly moved from one side of the stage to another, in this way capturing the spectators from every corner of the venue. Jordan Peterson is clearly very apt in engaging large audiences, given his background.
The structure of the event is straightforward:
Recital by David Cotter, academic and musician from the University of Cambridge
Short promotional video for the Essay app developed in collaboration with Julian Peterson, software engineer, and Jordan Peterson’s son. The Essay app is an educational online tool for essay writing.
Short promotional video for the Peterson Education Academy, an upcoming online university.
Introduction by Tammy Peterson, Jordan Peterson’s wife. She outlined the structure of the event and presented the special guest, British author Douglas Murray.
Short speech by Douglas Murray.
Lecture by Jordan Peterson on rule 11 from his book, “Beyond Order”: “Do not allow yourself to become resentful, deceitful, or arrogant.”
Q&A with Jordan Peterson and Douglas Murray based on the questions from the audience selected by Tammy Peterson.
Here are the most interesting ideas that stuck with me from this event:
Ideas from Jordan Peterson:
Writing is the deepest form of thought.
You create your character with your words and mark your path forward with your thoughts. Intonation matters, connotation matters, poetic beauty matters.
To essay means to attempt, to try. Aim up and put everything behind it!
Listen with humility, ask the right questions, and admit what you don’t know, like Joe Rogan.
Someone who opposes you is your friend and puts you on the edge of development.
If you are socially anxious, ask questions and listen. Most people are thrilled to have someone listen to them. Most people don’t listen well.
Take notice of your own stupidity. Both your stupidity and capacity to learn are inexhaustible.
The more your past is locked in fear, the less you benefit from the experience. Fear is the begging for knowledge.
What are the recurring themes in your life and what role have you been playing?
The psyche brings back the horrors of the past to extract wisdom and prepare for the future.
Most of us don’t admit what we need and want. You cannot hit a target while shooting in the dark. Make yourself vulnerable by letting someone know what you need and want.
Develop a vision of the highest version of yourself including the details (relationships, family, etc.)
Take care of your future selves, and make sacrifices in the present so that the future works out.
A marriage and a job are acts of faith, faith in what’s the best in you.
This is a difficult realm, don’t cut corners, and don’t let temptation and resentment in.
Social media disinhibits narcissistic psychopaths.
There’s more of you than it’s being revealed. Dostoevsky said that “every man is responsible for everything he does and does not do and for what everyone does and does not do”. If you are everything you could be, how much better the people around you could be?
Ideas from Douglas Murray:
I would like to be near somebody who might say something I might say someday.
A theology without redemption is not a theology.
Did I enjoy the event? Definitely, and I would attend again. Firstly, because I have a lot to learn from Jordan Peterson, even if I do not agree with him on everything. I personally prefer Jordan Peterson in a “Teacher” role rather than in a social media “warrior” role, but he is free to walk his own path. Secondly, the energy of the audience is outstanding. It feels great to be in a room with so many people who want to better themselves. Finally, both the city (Lisbon) and the venue (Campo Pequeno – see photograph) are true masterpieces.